My Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
We have been in Lent since my last newsletter. A time of preparation for the Easter Sunday that celebrated the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the grave. We are indeed preparing again for the resurrection.
Covid-19 has interrupted our worship and gathering, yet we are not alone. As we have been made socially unavailable it has allowed us to find more time to share individually with your family and The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. I imagine most of you have been asking, “God, what is to become of me?” or something to that order.
If nothing else this time is also a time for us to practice patience and perseverance. Even the TV media is suggesting things we can do to pass the time and share experiences through other media such as phone, instant messenger, Skype and so on. Some of these things I never used or heard of. I guess I’m just a technological old fogy.
Even though we are shut out of so many places we can still operate as Disciples of Jesus Christ. You may be able to pick up a prescription for an elderly person that doesn’t drive. Deliver food so they can eat, or just pick up the phone and say “Hello!”
This can be a very dark time if we let it. But the Bible says not to put your candle under a bushel, put it on top where it can light up the world.
Agencies that we have been helping with service and gifts need us even now more than ever. We may not be able to go or cook for them, we can send them money so they can afford to purchase the necessities they need to continue to serve others.
We are now required to think and step out of the box. We need to rethink what we have become so accustomed to and don’t even give it a second thought like breathing. We are creatures of habit and these times call for us to think differently.
We as a church “The Church of the Covenant” will survive this, and as a church family we are all in this together. Even though the church doors are closed, the expenses continue. Your financial support is still needed. I understand that some are not earning an income currently because of the Covid-19, and my prayers are with you. For those who still can your financial support is still needed.
I am available to talk with you from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM at 518-545-1771. Feel free to call, ask questions, pray, or just chat. We are family and I pray for you all.
Most changes will be posted to our Facebook page:
God bless you all.
Pastor Joe